陳永治在「國際郵票設計大賽2017」奪「全球總冠軍」!August 2, 2017即將在今個學年升三年班的陳永治同學在「國際郵票設計大賽2017」憑著作品【我的大同世界】 勇奪「全球總冠軍」。根據報導【得獎作品,現正於南韓郵政培訓學院的郵政歷史中央廣場作大型公開展覽,同時更會由南韓郵政印製成郵票,於明年3月在南韓正式發行及通行】。詳情可瀏覽傳媒報道網頁。More NewsThanksgiving Carnival 2024: You’re Invited!The Voices of CAISThanksgiving Carnival Returns at CAISParis Saint-Germain celebrates the successful openings of the PSG Academy at CAISCAIS continues to forge ahead with the development of the Phase IIB Aquatic CentreCAIS connects parents with a support networkCAIS bids farewell to Consul General of Canada in Hong KongCAIS re-establishes the House SystemCAIS reinforces commitment to athletic developmentCAIS Annual Event Kindles Students’ Interest in STEM校監致謝信Spotlight李愷晴當選為今年美國萬通小太空人