祝賀丁河允同學榮獲Spirit of Canada獎項June 29, 2018每年一度由加拿大總領事頒發的Spirit of Canada 獎旨在鼓勵活躍參與、勤奮、成熟、懂得互相尊重、有誠信並在校內服務有傑出貢獻的學生。今年宣道國際學校的得獎者是就讀十年級的丁河允同學,從2008起在本校展開學習旅程的丁同學既是一個學術成績優異的學生,在課堂、運動團隊、學生會及「黑暗中的光明學生事工小組」等學生組織上更是一位模範生。 她過去曾獲得過多項學術獎項,包括學科獎及年度學生大獎。一直以來學生和老師們均對她的積極及關心別人的態度、團結能力和健康飲食習慣有高度評價。More NewsThanksgiving Carnival 2024: You’re Invited!The Voices of CAISThanksgiving Carnival Returns at CAISParis Saint-Germain celebrates the successful openings of the PSG Academy at CAISCAIS continues to forge ahead with the development of the Phase IIB Aquatic CentreCAIS connects parents with a support networkCAIS bids farewell to Consul General of Canada in Hong KongCAIS re-establishes the House SystemCAIS reinforces commitment to athletic developmentCAIS Annual Event Kindles Students’ Interest in STEM歡迎上船!Spotlight給應屆畢業生的信