與香港城市大學合作簽約儀式April 18, 2019宣道國際學校很高興有機會與香港城市大學合作。合作協議簽約儀式於2019年4月12日舉行。當日我們很榮幸能有代表香港城市大學副校長(學生事務)葉豪盛教授和本校總校長溫德培先生為兩校簽署了這項合作協議。More NewsThanksgiving Carnival 2024: You’re Invited!The Voices of CAISThanksgiving Carnival Returns at CAISParis Saint-Germain celebrates the successful openings of the PSG Academy at CAISCAIS continues to forge ahead with the development of the Phase IIB Aquatic CentreCAIS connects parents with a support networkCAIS bids farewell to Consul General of Canada in Hong KongCAIS re-establishes the House SystemCAIS reinforces commitment to athletic developmentCAIS Annual Event Kindles Students’ Interest in STEM本校學生參與首屆騰訊青少年科學小會Spotlight宣道國際學校第二期校園動土禮