Where did you grow up/study?
I grew up splitting time between the UK and Hong Kong. I was born in the UK and then moved back to Hong Kong shortly after and had my primary education here. Then I went back to the UK to study in a boarding school for my secondary education.
What attracted you to teach at CAIS?
The vibrant community and Christ-centred approach to learning and teaching.
Biggest challenge and rewarding moment working in education?
There are many eureka moments for me. The one that excites me the most is the challenge of inquiring with students as it’s always so unpredictable but when you see students developing their thinking and having a change of mind, the light bulb moment is definitely the most rewarding!
What do you miss most about your home when you are overseas?
My family. Back then, technology was not as advanced, and we were only given 30 minutes’ phone time every day. I remember I had to purchase phone cards from a local village shop and queue outside a phone box every weekend to grab a chance to speak with my family. Now since it’s not as difficult to be in touch, I would say the convenience of exploring Hong Kong’s nature and city within an hour’s reach.
Can you share one of your favourite bible verses with us?
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9