In 2009, the HKSAR Government awarded the Kowloon Tong Church of the Chinese Christian and Missionary Alliance a land grant for the construction of an innovative school building in Butterfly Valley, Lai Chi Kok. Since then, the CAIS community has been expanding our horizons through the development of the campus.
As one of the city's largest urban international schools by footprint, where students can enjoy spacious, technology-rich facilities designed for experiential learning. The enhanced school environment also engages students in small interactive learning communities.
When fully operational, our school amenities will include a rooftop soccer pitch, concert theater, swimming pool, drama studio and gymnasiums. Specialty rooms are designed for fine arts, media, practical applied arts, science and second language programs. This venture sees fresh expression of CAIS' vision to engage the whole child through academics, spiritual life, athletics and the arts. Join us as the adventure unfolds…
For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.– Hebrews 3:4 (NIV)
Grand Opening Ceremony of the Amenities Building | March 2023
A grand opening ceremony was held on Saturday, March 25, to mark the celebration of the official completion of CAIS Phase IIA, the Amenities Building. Honoured guests included Dr. Choi Yuk-lin JP, Secretary for Education of the HKSAR, and Mr. Hugues Alexandre Moniz, Senior Representative of the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong.
With the opening of the new building, the School continues to prepare students of integrity and discernment to make a positive impact on the community and in the world.
Aquatic Centre Superstructure Work Contract Signing Ceremony | February 2022
With the signing of the Superstructure Work Contract, CAIS takes the next step in transforming the dream into reality – to expand students' learning experience while providing space and amenities for the wider community outside of school hours.
Indoor Aquatic Centre Foundation Work Contract Signing Ceremony | March 2021
CAIS has officially moved the aquatic centre idea from concept to reality following the conclusion of the foundation work contract signing ceremony held 31 March 2021.
The indoor aquatic centre is a major facility enhancement for the school and provides significant boost to our students' learning experience and sporting capabilities.
Phase II - Superstructure is underway | July 2020
For the past year, our construction crew workers have been working non-stop to build the superstructure of the Phase II building. Praise God for his guidance!
For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything. – Hebrews 3:4
Another milestone will also be reached as our contractor continues to the fit out the exterior and interior of the building. Works will concentrate on plastering, venting and cooling, fire fighting facilities, electrical and light works, water supply and drainage. How God's glory is shown as he establishes the work of our hands! May we all pray for the construction workers as they continue God's work on the new addition. Enjoy some milestones photographs as we transition to the next phase of this important project.
CAIS unveiled exciting plans for campus expansion. The Phase II building infuses the school with new energy that incorporates not only larger creative spaces but also thoughtful designs that speak to the school's desire for greater cultural engagement.
Phase II - Ground Breaking Ceremony | May 2019
Christian Alliance International School (CAIS) celebrated on May 4, 2019 the groundbreaking of its Phase II Campus Development – a new landmark of the school not only allows hosting of significant events, but also adds much needed space for performing arts and sports activities that will enrich the lifestyle and learning experience of students, staff and the local community.
Speaking at the ceremony, CAIS Head of School Mr. Richard Vanderpyl said “KTAC church started its first school back in the 50s, and the vision of the church then was for a Christian School having a Christ Centered Curriculum, and presenting the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus. The same vision we hold fast to today, Christian Alliance International School is about transformation. And it is so appropriate, God planned, that we are located in Butterfly Valley. The metamorphosis, the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly, is a beautiful analogy of what is at the heart of this school. Transformation is our purpose; transformation is in our DNA”.
Also at the ceremony were Mr. Jeff Nankivell, the Consul General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao, Mr. CHEUNG Wing-sum, Ambrose, BBS, MH, JP, Chairman of the Sham Shui Po District Council, Mr. Chan Cheuk Ming (Ming Gor) of Pei Ho Counterparts.
Grand Opening Ceremony | March 2018
A new home for the CAIS community! CAIS was blessed to start operation in August 2017 in its new location. After 6 months of operation and with the help of countless people, the Grand Opening Ceremony was successfully held in the afternoon on March 3, 2018. We were honored to have the then Secretary for Education, Mr. Kevin Yeung Yun-hung and the Consul General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao, Mr. Jeff Nankivell as the dignitaries.
“This spacious and innovative campus in Butterfly Valley provides not only 1,600 extra places but also an important platform for students and staff to unleash their full potential. CAIS aspires to offer a transformative educational experience to students enabling them to acquire the quality as future leaders and global citizens. ” said Mr. Yeung
Mr. Nankivell also stated, “CAIS really stands out as an educational institution in a way that is founded on a vision that mixes faith, entrepreneurship, respect for others and social responsibility.”
As the honored guests touched the screen, it signified that CAIS will continue to transform young lives in Hong Kong and beyond.
Grand Opening Ceremony | March 2018
A new home for the CAIS community! CAIS was blessed to start operation in August of 2017 in its new location. After 6 months of operation and with the help of countless people, the Grand Opening Ceremony was successfully held on March 3, 2018 afternoon. We were honored to have the then Secretary for Education, Mr. Kevin Yeung Yun-hung and the Consul General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao, Mr. Jeff Nankivell as the dignitaries.
“This spacious and innovative campus in Butterfly Valley provides not only 1,600 extra places but also an important platform for students and staff to unleash their full potential. CAIS aspires to offer a transformative educational experience to students enabling them to acquire the quality as future leaders and global citizens. ” said Mr. Yeung
Mr. Nankivell also stated, “CAIS really stands out as an educational institution in a way that is founded on a vision that mixes faith, entrepreneurship, respect for others and social responsibility.”
As the honored guests touched the screen, it signified that CAIS will continue to transform young lives in Hong Kong and beyond.
Phase II - Site Formation & Foundation Begins | July 2017
Phase II construction forges ahead. The past month we have seen crews working very hard to drill into bedrock to install steel piles for a solid foundation. Enjoy some milestone photographs as we transition to the next phase of this important project.
Topping Out Ceremony | June 2016
June 25, 2016 was no ordinary day, as it marked the topping out of the Christian Alliance International School (CAIS). Owing to the unfailing effort made by the school sponsoring body, the site, which was partly an industrial land and partly zoned in the Green Belt, has now evolved into a 21st-century campus designated to the nurturing of our next generation through holistic education. At the same time, the school serves the neighboring community as an outreach center in collaboration with other regional groups which puts our mission in action:
"To cultivate learners with knowledge, skills, integrity and discernment, growing in love for God and service to humanity."
The topping out of the new school will be followed by a series of electrical, mechanical, and internal fitting-out works. The new school is scheduled to commence operation in August 2017, offering approximately 1,600 seats in the primary and secondary school sections. As mentioned by Mr. J. Ian Burchett, Former Consul General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao, the Canadian curriculum will be adopted by CAIS not only for the purpose of providing fundamental education in respect of values in social services, integrity and sense of responsibility; but also for fostering a closer relationship between Hong Kong and Canada.
Last but not least, let us not forget the words of encouragement given by Rev Dr. Wilson Chow: God is the only source of “renewal”. Looking ahead, we must commit the development and day-to-day operation of CAIS into God's hands with relentless prayers and thanksgiving. May the Glory of God be shown through the work of this school!
Topping Out Ceremony | June 2016
25th of June 2016 was no ordinary day, as it marked the topping out of the Christian Alliance International School (CAIS). Owing to the unfailing effort made by the school sponsoring body, the site, which was partly an industrial land and partly zoned in the Green Belt, has now evolved into a 21st-century campus designated to the nurturing of our next generation through holistic education. At the same time, the school serves the neighboring community as an outreach center in collaboration with other regional groups which puts our mission in action:
"To cultivate learners with knowledge, skills, integrity and discernment, growing in love for God and service to humanity."
The topping out of the new school will be followed by a series of electrical, mechanical, and internal fitting-out works. The new school is scheduled to commence operation in August 2017, offering approximately 1,600 seats in the primary and secondary school sections. As mentioned by Mr. J. Ian Burchett, Former Consul General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao, the Canadian curriculum will be adopted by CAIS not only for the purpose of providing fundamental education in respect of values in social services, integrity and sense of responsibility; but also for fostering a closer relationship between Hong Kong and Canada.
Last but not least, let us not forget the words of encouragement given by Rev Dr. Wilson Chow: God is the only source of “renewal”. Looking ahead, we must commit the development and day-to-day operation of CAIS into God's hands with relentless prayers and thanksgiving. May the Glory of God be shown through the work of this school!
Construction Progress of the Superstructure
The superstructure of our new school building is being completed! Praise the Lord! Another major milestone will also be reached as our contractor continues to the fit out the exterior and interior of the building. Works will concentrate on plastering, venting and cooling, fire fighting facilities, electrical and light works, water supply and drainage. How God's glory is shown as he establishes the work of our hands!
"May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands"– Psalm 90:17
May we all pray for the construction workers as they continue God's work on our new school building. Enjoy some milestone photographs as we transition to the next phase of this important project.
Construction Progress of the Superstructure
The superstructure of our new school building is being completed! Praise the Lord! Another major milestone will also be reached as our contractor continues to the fit out the exterior and interior of the building. Works will concentrate on plastering, venting and cooling, fire fighting facilities, electrical and light works, water supply and drainage. How God's glory is shown as he establishes the work of our hands!
"May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands" – Psalm 90:17
May we all pray for the construction workers as they continue God's work on our new school building. Enjoy some milestone photographs as we transition to the next phase of this important project.
Site Formation Progress | November 2014
CAIS construction forges ahead. The past five months since Groundbreaking have seen crews move earth, manage slopes and drill into bedrock to install steel piles for a rock solid foundation. Superstructure construction begins soon. Enjoy some milestone photographs as we transition to the next phase of this important project.
Groundbreaking Ceremony | May 2014
Some 200 guests gathered under brilliant blue skies to celebrate Groundbreaking. The future school's Butterfly Valley location provides a crossroads between business and natural beauty, just as the School serves at the intersection of academics and spiritual life.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased to join you today for the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the new campus for Christian Alliance International School,” proclaimed Mrs. Carrie Lam, the then Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong SAR Government. Her keynote address engaged the audience with warmth and insight.
“CAIS has been a valuable member of the international school sector in Hong Kong since it first opened its doors to students in 1992,” Mrs. Lam added. “Through a highly competitive process, the School was allocated this greenfield site…a recognition of their achievements.”
“What impresses me about CAIS,” noted Mr. J. Ian Burchett, former Consul General of Canada, “is the faith with which the students approach their studies and the teachers contribute to the curriculum.”
"Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord… The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."– Psalm 118:19-24
"Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord… The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." – Psalm 118:19-24
As golden shovels broke the soil, it was clear that the CAIS learning community is building more than an innovative facility. We are helping to build lives. CAIS cultivates learners with knowledge, skills, integrity and discernment, growing in love for God and service to humanity.
Groundbreaking Ceremony | May 2014
Some 200 guests gathered under brilliant blue skies to celebrate Groundbreaking. The future school' Butterfly Valley location provides a crossroads between business and natural beauty, just as the School serves at the intersection of academics and spiritual life.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased to join you today for the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the new campus for Christian Alliance International School,” proclaimed Mrs. Carrie Lam, Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong SAR Government. Her keynote address engaged the audience with warmth and insight.
“CAIS has been a valuable member of the international school sector in Hong Kong since it first opened its doors to students in 1992,” Mrs. Lam added. “Through a highly competitive process, the School was allocated this greenfield site…a recognition of their achievements.”
“What impresses me about CAIS,” noted Mr. J. Ian Burchett, former Consul General of Canada, “is the faith with which the students approach their studies and the teachers contribute to the curriculum.”
"Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord… The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."– Psalm 118:19-24
"Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord… The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." – Psalm 118:19-24
As golden shovels broke the soil, it was clear that the CAIS learning community is building more than an innovative facility. We are helping to build lives. CAIS cultivates learners with knowledge, skills, integrity and discernment, growing in love for God and service to humanity.
New School Logo Unveiled | May 2014

CAIS is pleased to announce an enhanced School logo as we celebrate Groundbreaking for the new school in Butterfly Valley, Lai Chi Kok. The School Development Department was invited to redesign the logo. Here are the key elements close to the School's heart:
The cross represents the center of our School's spiritual life.
Our diverse student body is equipped to positively impact the world.
The Bible reflects scholarly insight and biblical discernment.
This is the official abbreviation of the School's name.
Construction Commencement Ceremony | April 2014
Sunshine beamed and cool air breezed through Butterfly Valley on April 11, 2014 as Reverend Lewis Lo Kam Tim of the Kowloon Tong Church of the Chinese Christian and Missionary Alliance (KTAC) opened his Bible and began to pray, “Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us this land to build an international school on…”
Contractors, architectural consultants, civil engineers, elders and deacons paused from their hectic schedules to gather at the construction site for prayer and celebration. The event recognized official commencement of construction activities. An elder of the KTAC lifted his hands as the group joined in blessing the land.
A member of the Project Steering Group (PSG) said, “We are here to celebrate and to pray for God's blessing on the process. We pray for the workers to experience God's safety on the site and His peace in their hearts.”
The current phase is called site formation. The ground will be cut and filled to level the earth around the site. Drainage will be managed and slopes will be stabilized. Then, the foundations will be piled. This phase is expected to last for approximately nine months followed by construction of the superstructure. We look forward to a higher profile official Groundbreaking Ceremony in the near future. CAIS invites all to prayer throughout the process.
Butterfly Valley land granted to CAIS | July 2009
After a competitive application process against a total of 31 local and overseas applicants for the four sites, the government of Hong Kong awarded a land grant to CAIS on July 26, 2009 for the construction of a two-hectare international school. The site identified was in Butterfly Valley, Lai Chi Kok. It was the largest greenfield site provided to any school in the process.
The grant was an answer to the prayers of our learning community. It was also a response to a deeply felt need in Hong Kong for schools that meet the needs of international students. As a center of commerce, Asia's world city facilitates learning opportunities for children of business people from around the globe. CAIS will help Hong Kong to fulfill this important need. In the process, we will prepare students of integrity and discernment to make a positive impact on this city and in their world.
Our History
Our story began with six decades of educational excellence in Hong Kong, when the Kowloon Tong Church of the Chinese Christian and Missionary Alliance (KTAC) opened its first school in 1955, as well as a heritage of international education with the opening of Christian Alliance P. C. Lau Memorial International School (CAPCLMIS) a quarter of a century ago.
With an excellent track record of academic success, the Hong Kong Government awarded the KTAC a land grant for construction of an innovative school building in Butterfly Valley, Lai Chi Kok to serve 1,600 students. Phase I of the school campus starts to operate in August 2017 and the School was officially named as Christian Alliance International School (CAIS).